Friday, July 6, 2012

Readiness and Mental Prepareness

What is readiness and mental preparedness?

The idea of being materially and nutritionally prepared is awesome but if you are not mentally prepared in your mind's eye the panic and stress of crisis may undermine everything you have gathered for. 

Be mentally prepared by seeking out ways to become as self-sufficient as possible in any circumstance.

Drills for emergency are important. They keep the skills and ideas you must rely on fresh. Practice the techniques in the article below for starters. This is why a camp out is not just for fun. It is also an exercise in readiness. Planning to exist outside the box of normal operation is part of being a prepper.

I am inclined to recommend some meditation techniques in addition with the tips from the article below. But that is going to be another post. Being able to center in chaos is important to keeping you one step ahead of whatever disaster you may be in. Practice these mental preparedness techniques regularly to be certain you can do this when you need it.
It won't matter how much food you have or how many guns you have or how deep your bunker is if you are a basket case in the center of your crisis.

From: Absolute Rights Contributor

Becoming Mentally Prepared For Anything
by Absolute Rights Contributor | Jun 29, 2012 | Categories: Crisis Ops.
by ‘Above Average’ Joe

You have your Ultimate Bug out Bag and you’re ready to ride out whatever comes your way, sitting in front of your generator powered air conditioner… So you’re prepared right?


You can have all of the gear in the world, but without the correct mindset, you’re no better off than the average unprepared citizen.  One of my mentors told me something that really struck a chord with me.  He said,

“You never want to be doing anything for the first time… when you need it to save your life”

This phrase has stuck with me over the years.  Do you really want to rely on what you THINK you know, or would you rather rely on what you KNOW you can do?   I cannot stress enough how important mental preparedness is in a survival situation.  Losing your cool during the stress of a disaster is the first step towards failure.  Below are a few  tips on how you can hone your mental preparations to help you adapt to just about any survival situation.

  • Turn off all electronic devices for 24 hours at a time, this includes cell phones, TV’s air conditions etc. Use this as both a preparation for when you do not have power and a conservation technique for if you choose to run a generator, so that you can see how to survive on only the essentials.
  • Become accustomed to receiving and retaining information from print sources such as books. The internet will not be available in a disaster.
  • Spend some nights using only candles and or battery operated lights to illuminate the darkness.
  • Begin storing rainwater and spend a few days using only stored water.
  • Try cooking some of your meals using a solar oven, barbecue, fire pit or any other primitive or improvised cooking method.
  • If you have damaged clothing, practice trying to repair it instead of (more...)

Practice readiness drills in every way, shape, and form. Adding these routines with a focus on mental preparedness helps your overall survival to be more successful. Pre-plan any eventual possibility so that when an incident does happen YOU ARE READY!

By reviewing and planning the many ways you can be self-sufficient you can better prepare yourself in more ways than stocking food, water, emergency equipment, and defensive tools.

Video on items you might need for emergency situations and mental preparedness for every member of your family:

Mental readiness skills in every form should be on your task list! 

Additional Related Material: Survival Recovery on Wordpress

(updated 07/21/2012)

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