Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Drip Irrigation In A Container Garden

Luffah Vine Starts in 18" pot with drip system. 

-- All Images: M Burgess

Recently I added a new drip irrigation system to my container garden. 


I have posted a how to guide on building a drip system if you want to do this yourself. 


The project did not entail more than an hours time and it was simple to assemble.You can read about my results in the images below and the article link.


Tips On Watering

Watering a garden is the essential secret to having a green thumb. Watering correctly can be tricky and you need to know when to add water and when to hold off. If you have moisture in the soil about 3 to 4 inches down then you can skip watering at the moment. Dry soil at this level is a sign that water needs to be added. Some plants won't mind extra water or a little dry conditions but others will have their fits either by wilting a little or not preforming well. It takes a delicate balance to tend to all the needs of your garden but you are the expert at your home.



Container Garden May 20, 2013

Items shown in this image from left to right starting from the water container: Small radishes next to the container. The next item is Basil, Oregano, then the light green is a Raspberry Bush. The lower right corner is Lavender and a Marigold plant in a window box. The Tomato is Cherry Tomatoes. The item in the bucket in front of the tomato is a Yellow Squash plant. Above that is Rosemary (not pictured. It is in the far left corner.) The pot with the window box on it is a set of Green Peppers. Above it is my Armenian Cucumber plants as shown in the image below.  From there you see the bottom of a lemon tree. Next is an 18" pot with loofah vines starting and on the other side of this is a Japanese Eggplant. Not pictured are another set of Peppers, Tomato, lettuce, and a set of onions in a window box in the far right corner.

In the following images you can see the tubing for the drip system threaded throughout the garden.

My Container Garden May 2013


Armenian Cucumber Vines And Blossoms
You can see this vine is very happy and is blooming like crazy! 

Cherry Tomatoes hiding Rosemary. 
I was unsure what this tomato plant was until this week when the tomatoes turned red.

Container Gardening

I enjoyed setting up and maintaining my container garden and have for years. I recommend this project to anyone who has the desire to garden but is limited in area with which to plant. I am delighted in the prospect of  home grown vegetables and the process of making them grow. I love my tiny garden and its wonders. The favorites are replanted year after year, though some of them stay with me over winter and continue to add their presence the next season.

If you are so inclined to start a garden of your own I hope this inspires to to plant TODAY!

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